<= 2001.04.11

2001.04.13 =>

twist and shout

We had a tornado yesterday. It touched down a few miles outside of here and for a while it looked like it was going to tear straight through Iowa City, but then it turned and headed north at the last minute. We didn't get to see a funnel cloud or flying cows or anything, just this unbelievably ominous complex of black clouds heading toward us at hellacious speed.

Eric Hebborn, master forger.

Between the late 1950's and 1996, Hebborn made more than 1,000 drawings and paintings, in a broader range of styles and time periods than any faker in history. He counterfeited the work of many of the most important European artists from the 15th to the 20th centuries. He made ink from authentic ingredients and bought Renaissance-era books and manuscripts to harvest blank pages. In fact, Hebborn targeted artists to fit the paper he found, not the other way around -- a brilliant stroke. He meticulously replicated the tiny abrasions and incidental nicks that infect paper and canvas over the centuries. He drank while he worked to relax into the fluidity and grace of the artists he was aping. Some of his forgeries were so good that when he was alive, it was said that they would never be detected unless he chose them to be.

Weird weather today, and I'm whirling like a dervish: too much to do.


<= 2001.04.11

2001.04.13 =>

up (2001.04)