<= 2001.11.08

2001.11.10 =>

civilization itself

I worry that I am being misinterpreted. Postgraduate fellowships, good. Nothing wrong with the programs. Just not for me right now, thanks. Also, what is happening to me is not a bad thing. It's liberating: things are rearranging. Though I am having the most fucked-up dreams right now. A long river. Ancient languages. Walking over fire.

Hollywood link from Justin is unnerving mainly for its last paragraph.

Hollywood has already been involved in the so-called war on terrorism on another level. According to Variety, the FBI, in reaction to the events of September 11, approached some of Hollywood's top writers to help them come up with possible terrorist attack scenarios, in order to aid in preparation of homeland security.

Ken Kesey's liver surgery. The best part in CNN's retrospective of his life (thus far) is where he "lost interest in the novel as an art form after discovering the magic of the bus."

Pluto mission! Pluto mission!


<= 2001.11.08

2001.11.10 =>

up (2001.11)