Photo website ZoneZero wants you to know:
On February 20th something will happen that will never happen again: At 8:02 p.m. that day, for one minute only, it will be 2002-2002-2002, or more accurately 20:02,20/02,2002. Because there are only 24 hours on the international clock, this will never happen again. So why not celebrate this event? Please send us your pictures taken at that exact moment in any place you find yourself. We will publish it here in ZoneZero it will be fun to see what happens. Please send the images in jpeg format 640 x 480 pixels to the following address: Please do not forget to include your name and where the image was taken, or anything else you might wish to write.
Er, they're also trying to start a Ministry of Information in the Pentagon, so's you know.
But the new office has also stirred a sharp debate in the Pentagon, where several senior officials have questioned whether its mission is too broad and possibly even illegal.
Those critics say they are disturbed that a single office might be authorized to use not only covert operations like computer network attacks, psychological activities and deception, but also the instruments and staff of the military's globe-spanning public affairs apparatus.
Mingling the more surreptitious activities with the work of traditional public affairs would undermine the Pentagon's credibility with the media, the public and governments around the world, critics argue.
See, I thought that "Stoned Soul Picnic" was just one of the random phrases they stuck on the cover of Pavement's Westing (by Musket and Sextant)but no, it is a song from a Laura