<= 2004.04.22

2004.04.24 =>

after 500 years the phoenix consumes itself

If you can read this, congratulations: the new server has successfully propagated its way to you. This site is no longer hosted at a well-intentioned but hapless barn in Iowa, nor at an advertising-riddled behemoth whose customer support makes you feel like a six-year-old. Take a bow, alienwebshop: the little hosting company that you always wanted yet, inexplicably, has been so hard to find.

Same goes for the iowablog: it lives again! (If you can't see iowablog yet, have a delicious Coca-Cola and wait 12 to 24 hours.)

The immediate result is that those comment and search boxes at the top left should finally be working again. Have some fun searching for dirty words; I'm off to do the usual.


<= 2004.04.22

2004.04.24 =>

up (2004.04)