<= 2005.06.23

2005.07.01 =>

sisyphus gets outsourced

Have wanted to say things, but I've been sick and tomorrow I have to leave on a work trip around California for a couple of days. I am losing, will have lost, a week of this precious summer—which is incredibly dispiriting, much more so than I would have expected. This is my last ration for the foreseeable future of the freedom I enjoyed for a couple of years after Iowa, before my luck ran out. You can't be free of the world until you write your masterpiece; you can't write your masterpiece until you are free of the world. I didn't pull it off with the time I was given, and I don't know that this book is going to do the trick either. Maybe two, three, four books from now. I am tired.


<= 2005.06.23

2005.07.01 =>

up (2005.06)