What is't makes you smile?
Linux, loves, and the Linux community with its shameless use of cute animals to promote anarcho-communitarian ethics and socially critiquable judgments of taste all at one go... irresistible for anyone with fantasies about joining the minor landed gentry of the mind.
I took the five-finger torrent discount on some software dictionaries and suddenly it’s much easier to read through German and Frenchtake Lessing’s Laokoon with its delightful periodic proseeighteenth-century German is just like eighteenth-century English, only it comes in a different order.
But most important: the 2008 Iberian lynx litters are here! Apparently lynxes are named like hurricanes, so last year’s were Domo and Drago, and this year we have Ébano, Elfo, Erizo, Erica...