<= 2001.04.13

2001.04.15 =>

libation bearers

Yesterday, three events:

1. "I always check the site in the morning," says Aimee, "and it's never updated because you get up so late." I know. I wish I could do something about it too, but God or biology or both don't want me up before noon.

2. I do my taxes: my fellowship, which I thought not to be taxable, is. I do all of the math, including some messy long division, by hand in order to demonstrate my independence from thinking machines.

3. Driving home at two in the morning listening to KRUI and the student DJ has brought his dad on the air. The dad tells jokes, like the one about the Buddhist monk who goes to the hotdog stand and says "Make me one with everything," and reads the public service announcements. Then they play Radiohead and Miles Davis. This radio station is possibly the best thing about Iowa City.

The new Ekpryotic Universe model (from Greek ekpryosis, "catching fire") may explain certain cosmological features better than the Big Bang, though it's hard to say. It appears to suggest that there's another, twin universe out there, though it doesn't seem possible that we'd ever attain contact with it. The graphic that accompanies the article is silly.

John Ashcroft suggests that executing McVeigh will lead to "closure" and "emotional healing" for victims' families. Bah. Didn't Ashcroft ever read the Oresteia?


<= 2001.04.13

2001.04.15 =>

up (2001.04)