<= 2003.03.26

2003.03.28 =>

true grit

My stepfather writes:

If you wish to learn what is occurring and will occur in the days ahead, I suggest that you keep current with David Hackworth's site, especially the emails from recently discharged and current servicemen and women....if you can read it without vomiting. Also, Soldiers for the Truth is comprehensive. For a preview of the slaughter (of Allied Forces, Iraqi troops and civilians) in Baghdad, read this after action report of the last great US armed forces urban battle. After 40 years, we have replicated the Johnson administration and its cabinet of Ivy League educated "Best and the Brightest" -- a disaster which will ultimately dwarf the tragedy and losses of Vietnam whether we win, lose or draw.

I heard on NPR this morning that everyone in Baghdad has been stocking up on Valium. All the pharmacies have run out. They're giving it to their children, taking it themselves.


<= 2003.03.26

2003.03.28 =>

up (2003.03)