you know where you can stick those feelings
Katherine Harris, in low-cut strapless black tafetta, is the belle of the ball? Ewwww. Ew ew ew.
A bullet-holed lion excited the dying child
by yelping two-legged across the floor
by scratching two-legged upon the door
The witch-doctor plugged his ears - the mother went wild!
The father came home the following year
threw a week's purse with a curse
into the witch-doctor's lap that couldn't hear
The wife sat in a corner scrubbing the skin of the lion.
"Make the bed! Make the bed!" he said.
She took the lion to another room
Came back; washed the blood from the door,
put the dead child on the floor
And cleaned the sheets with a broom.
That night as the father lay sleeping
The wounded lion came in creeping;
The wife ran up to it, and on her knees fell:
"Lion, lion," she said, "my mind is not well."
-from The Vestal Lady on Brattle is it hot or not? It could work. Looks like the same hierarchical structure as Slashdot, only everyone says ironic things about pop culture instead of arguing about mSQL versus MySQL or BSD/OS versus ASP/IIS or whatever. I swear to God it's like an unwritten rule that all tech speak has to devolve into the Battle of the Acronyms.
Don't know how it looks in other parts of the country, but today the Internet is slow as molasses round here. Must be those pesky backhoes.